Project Title: Rethinking international debt relations with the Jubilee movement. Towards equitable and just futures (Healing)

Since 2023: Research Fellow, International Research Training Group, Humboldt University Berlin

Since 2022: Associate Fellow, Global Partnership Network (GPN) and since 2021 member of Colonial, Postcolonial, Decolonial Working Group, British International Studies Association (BISA)

Since 2017: Associated Researcher, Department of Development and Postcolonial Studies at University of Kassel / Scholarship of Hans Böckler Foundation

2009: Teaching Certificate, University Bonn

2008: M.A. in Political Science, Sociology and Economics, University Siegen

Since 2007: various teaching assignments on social movements, migration, international relations, debt, development and social justice

Since 2004: diverse background in project coordination / programme management, spanning roles in Germany, Niger, Afghanistan, Jordan, a.o. with particular emphasis on education, socio-economic development, migration and health

Over the past decades anti-debt movements, such as the Jubilee Debt Campaign, have vibrantly and effectively created situated knowledges about international debt relations. However, analyses and experiences brought forward by these activists about debt relations and their possible transformations in the ethos of Jubilee have rarely been taken up in Western academia. This is particularly the case for groups from Africa, Asia or the Caribbean or their descendants whose analyses do not neatly fit within narrow Eurocentric representations of debt.

Hence, in order to broaden the debate on debt beyond white certainties, beliefs and truths this research project embarks on rethinking international debt relations from the perspectives of Jubilee groups in the Global South. It foregrounds situated knowledges and conceptions of debt that allow us think-feel economic development and social justice beyond narrow economic indicators. The Jubilee ethos is read through the situated and place-based experiences of Jubilee groups that are privileging demands for life, dignity and humanity.

This research project builds on critical, post- and decolonial interventions in the fields of international relations, sociology, law, theology, psychology and anthropology.