2021-2022: Master of Arts SOCIOLOGY, Stellenbosch University
2020: B.A. Honours SOCIOLOGY, Stellenbosch University
2019: B.A. DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT, Stellenbosch University
The pervasiveness of homophobic nationalistic values in a predominantly Christian Southern Africa reifies an understanding of Christianity that is inherently violent and incompatible with other humanitarian political approaches. The aim of this study is to trouble Christian nationalist values that are based on the syncretical nature of cross-cultural ideals that limit the function of Christianity and African culture in Southern Africa to the perpetration of homophobic violence and injustice. By creating a spotlight on emerging faith partnerships that are gearing church for LGBTQ+ individuals, I examine and implore critical pathways for a reformed value-based approach for Christian sexual ethics in Southern Africa in support of LGBTQ+ individuals.